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Reducing business crime, fraud and cyber crime

Our objective is to work with businesses and individuals to tackle the surge in fraud and cyber crime and to support Essex Police’s Business Crime Strategy to help keep businesses safe.

We will:

  • Improve the reporting of fraud and reduce the number of people and businesses who become victims by raising awareness of the risks, through promotion of Fraud Alerts, and how to stay safe both on and off line.
  • Encourage businesses and individuals to report incidents of fraud, online crime and cyber crime and provide the support to recover.
    Seek tighter legislation around online platforms and publishers and invest in cutting edge technology to track and eradicate online and cyber crime.
  • Work with regional and national partners to improve the ways to report fraud, receive updates and feedback and promote public confidence.
  • Support a national cyber crime force and utilise appropriate new technology including the safe and ethical use of artificial intelligence and biometrics in pursuit of justice.
  • Ensure Essex Police work with the planned National Crime Laboratory to develop the evidence base for effective interventions.
  • Work with businesses and partners to keep shop workers safe and reduce violence against them.
  • Alongside the business community, support initiatives to tackle other forms of crime that affects businesses and their staff such as Human Trafficking, Hate Crime and Domestic Abuse.
  • Support Essex Police’s Business Crime Strategy and promote awareness of the Business Crime Team, including:
    • working closely with businesses to prevent crime, identifying and prioritising resources to tackle it.
    • working with businesses to ensure that they are aware of best practice and are empowered to reduce the risk of crime to their business.
    • working with businesses to encourage reporting of crime to gain an accurate picture of business crime in our county.
    • tackling those who commit crimes against businesses.
    • giving confidence to those who fear crime and support to businesses who have been the victim of crime.

So that crime against individuals and businesses is reduced, our local economy can operate safely and together we can build back better as we come out of the pandemic.

Page 25 Business Crime

Performance Outcomes and Indicators

Crime against individuals and businesses is reduced, our local economy can operate safely and
together we can build back better as we come out of the pandemic

1. Business Crime Offences
2. Business Crime Offences Solved
3. Independent Public Confidence Survey


PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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