Our Objective:
We will work together with our partners to provide a more efficient and effective service for the public.
Working with our partners in Essex Police, we will progress the Local Business Case, including:
- Continuously improve the diversity of the workforce to ensure it represents the community at large
- Sharing services
- Joint procurement
- Shared use of estates
- Operational collaboration, including in the
- control rooms
- Joint continuous development
- Joint fleet services
- Joint provision of appropriate specialist
- capabilities
- Shared ICT platforms
- A co-ordinated approach to remote communities
- Aligning and co-ordinating community safety activity
- Work together with Essex Police and the East of England Ambulance Service to explore and develop further opportunities to collaborate
- Continue the good practice on the implementation and application of Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP)
Working with our partners in Essex, we will:
- Contribute to an effective Essex Resilience Forum
- Make more effective use of our estate, sharing and rationalising with our partners
- Co-ordinate our safety activity messages
Working with our Fire and Rescue Service partners, we will:
- Enable effective national and international mobilisation
- Explore and develop further opportunities to collaborate
- Work with the National Fire Chief’s Council and other bodies to share and implement best practice