Introduction from the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner
In October 2017, I was honoured to become the first Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in the country, taking on the governance of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service alongside my existing responsibilities for Essex Police. This was after a local business case had shown significant benefits from joint governance for the public.
For me, safe and secure communities are the bedrock on which we build well-being and prosperity for all. This requires all emergency services to work well together, to be efficient and effective in the service they provide, to prevent incidents wherever possible and to be closely embedded in the communities they serve.
Having an efficient and effective response when it is needed is crucial but for me, preventing incidents from happening in the first place is just as important. Over the last decade the number of fires and the devastating personal and financial impact they have has significantly reduced across Essex. I believe that we need to be ambitious and should aim for there to be no preventable deaths from fire in Essex. We can also work to improve road safety and expand how we keep vulnerable people safe, protect our residents and find new ways to reduce the risk of harm.
Working with partners, employees and the public through a variety of workshops and a public survey, this plan has been developed to set the priorities for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service over the next five years. Each priority has a number of commitments and together with the priorities these will be used by the service to develop their operational plans and activities.
Click here to view the full Fire & Rescue Plan
The links below will give you an overview of each priority:
Our objective: We will plan and provide effective and efficient prevention, protection and response activities, so the public continue to have trust and confidence in us.
Improve safety on our roads.Our objective: reduce the personal, social and economic impact of road traffic incidents
Help the vulnerable to stay safe.Our Objective: To help vulnerable people to be safer in Essex
Promote a positive culture in the workplace.Our objective: To have a safe and diverse workforce who we enable to perform well in a supportive culture underpinned by excellent training
Develop and broaden the roles and range of activities undertaken by the Service.Our objective: To save lives, prevent harm and protect our communities by developing and broadening our roles and partnerships
Be transparent, open and accessible.Our Objective: Communities are involved, engaged and consulted in the services they receive
Collaborate with our partners.Our Objective: We will work together with our partners to provide a more efficient and effective service for the public.
Make best use of our resources.Our Objective: We will improve the safety of the people of Essex by making best use of our resources and ensuring value for money.