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Finance, reporting & decisions

Being open and accountable

Boards, minutes and decision making

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner’s boards and committees are organised to support effective decision making and the successful running of both Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.

Both Essex Police and Essex Fire and Rescue Service remain separate organisations with separate budgets, separate staff and separate decision making processes. Even where a decision taken by the PFCC will effect both organisations, two decisions will need to be taken, one in relation to Essex Police and the other in relation to Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.

The PFCC is the effective decision maker, though some decisions can be delegated, and makes decisions following information, discussion and debate during the boards below. The boards for Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are separate. The boards have no decision making power and are there purely to inform and advise the PFCC in his decision making.



The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner is responsible for agreeing the budget for Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) and for overseeing how these budgets are spent.

As well as receiving funding from Government grants, the PFCC is also responsible for setting the amount of money you will pay for policing (known as the policing precept) and fire and rescue (known as the fire precept) as part of your annual council tax bill.



Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service Performance – As part of Roger Hirst’s commitment to openness and transparency, detailed records of the performance of Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service are discussed at the relevant Performance and Resources Boards. The records discussed and minutes from the boards are published regularly and can be accessed by clicking below.

Performance and Resource Board (Policing and Crime)

Performance and Resource Board (Fire and Rescue)

Please be aware that the performance summary documents are large in size and may take a few seconds to load.

The minutes of the meetings will always refer to the Performance summaries of the previous month.  So, as an example, the meeting of February 2017 scrutinised Essex Police performance for January 2017.

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) – HMICFRS independently assesses police forces and policing and since 2017 the Fire and Rescue Services across a range of activity. This includes reports into Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. Copies of all inspections of Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, as well as the responses from Police Fire and Crime Commissioner are also available.

Essex Police Professional Standards Department – The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner publishes quarterly reports on Essex Police conduct matters.


PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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