More local, visible and accessible policing
“Our objective is to ensure that crime prevention is based in the community, that victims come first, and that you know what is happening in your neighbourhood.”
We will:
Work with our rural communities to strengthen our response to preventing and fighting crime in rural areas through implementing the Rural Crime Strategy
- reassure rural communities and reduce the fear of crime
- prevent crime
- gather (and share) intelligence
- bring to justice those who commit crimes in rural areas
- offer advice and support, and develop crime prevention plans
- develop the Farm and Rural Watch network
- work with neighbouring forces
- host Rural Crime Awareness events
- work with key partners and the community
- deprive criminals of their means to commit crimes
So that communities have more confidence in Essex Police.
Performance Outcomes and Indicators
Communities have more confidence in Essex Police
1 Percentage of people who have confidence in policing in Essex
2 Confidence in the local police (CSEW)
3 Number of all crime offences
4 Harm (Crime Severity) Score v. Most Similar Group of Forces (MSG) – all crime
5 Emergency response attendance within 15 minutes (urban) or 20 minutes (rural)