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#MakeADifference and have your say on policing priorities in Essex – Crack down on ASB

Three and a half years ago, we asked you what you wanted from Essex Police.


You wanted us to crack down on anti-social behaviour, which we are doing.


We have reduced the number of recorded anti-social behaviour incidents by over 8,000 (16 per cent). Some of the ways in which we have achieved this, working with our partners, is by:

  • Investing in Council led Community Safety Partnerships to tackle local problems
  • Extending extra enforcement powers to 350 people from 40 organisations to crack down on ASB
  • Making more offenders answerable to their victims through our Restorative Justice programme
  • Providing the funding for more local policing, more community policing, town centre teams and more rural policing

We are delivering against our priority in our Police & Crime Plan to crack down on anti-social behaviour. Watch our film here


Have your say on what you want from your police force for the next four years so we can shape our next Police and Crime Plan.

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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