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Keeping young people in Essex safe – join us for PFCC Live Access

Young people from across Essex are being invited to have their views around keeping safe heard by attending this year’s PFCC online youth event.

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex will be hosting the third annual youth event on Friday 3rd March.

The online sessions will focus on key issues affecting young people in Essex and will enable those tuning in to share their views on knife crime, water safety and the role of the police and fire services in our communities.

They will be able to hear from experts representing the PFCC’s Violence and Vulnerability Unit and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. As well as a live Q and A with the Commissioner himself!PFCC Live Access 03 March 2023 Live Digital Q and A Session focused on Knife Crime, Water Safety and the role of the police and fire services in our communities.

Roger said: “This will be an exciting and interesting event and I’m looking forward to hearing what young people across Essex have to say about what is important to them.  We need to make sure everyone has a voice in ensuring that our police and fire and rescue services are the best they can be.

“This online conference is also a great opportunity to speak to young people about important and relevant subjects such as knife crime and water safety so we can help them stay safe.”

There will be four LIVE sessions, each lasting for 30 minutes, taking place at 10am, 11.30, 12.30pm and 2.15pm. Young people are welcome to join in as many of the sessions as they wish with no limit.

To register interest and sign up to receive the live access to the event people can follow the link and sign up here: Be a part of PFCC Live Access – Essex Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner

Page published on the 08/02/2023

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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