Have your say about crime and community safety in Rochford
The next Police and Crime Commissioner public meeting discussing local crime and policing issues, will take place in Hockley on Thursday March 13, 2014.
The public briefing document containing information about the policing model in Rochford, the latest reported crime figures for the area and significant context concerning crime trends can be accessed at the PCC website link below, and will also be available at the public meeting.
Rochford Public Briefing Document 130314
Nick Alston said: “We’ve had an excellent series of public meetings in all parts of Essex over the last fifteen months, and we’re looking to build on those events. I encourage everyone who lives in Rochford district to come along to our next event and raise the issues that matter to them.
“We provide the very latest crime figures at the meetings, publishing these on our website too. We also explore the facts and context around any crime trends, with briefings from the local Essex Police District Commander, Chief Inspector Ian Cummings, and the Community Safety Partnership. Everyone attending the meeting can put their questions directly to the police, the community safety team, and to me. I will also ask challenging questions of the police and council, as well as highlighting some of the excellent work that is taking place.
“If you care about keeping your community as safe as it can possibly be, please come along and get involved.”
The next event is scheduled for:
Time: 18:00 to 20:00, Thursday March 13, 2014
Location: Hockley Primary School, Chevening Gardens, Hockley, Rochford SS5 4UR
Nick Alston adds: “Each meeting will be two hours long. We’d love people to attend all the meeting, but if you can only make part of it, please still come along. I want your views to be part of the debate about how we can best keep the streets and countryside of Essex safe.”
The dates of future meetings can be seen on the PCC website here:
News alerts will usually be tweeted via the Essex PCC Twitter account: