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Safer Streets Funds Allocations 2023

Report reference number:
Not protectively marked
Title of report:
Essex Probation HGV Training Project (Supplementary)
Area of county / stakeholders affected:
Report by:
Greg Myddelton (Strategic Head of Partnerships and Delivery)
Date of report:
Enquiries to:
[email protected]

1. Executive Summary

1.1. This report supplements DR 121-23 for the delivery of an HGV driver training pilot for people on probation. This additional report seeks approval for the PFCC to act as lead commissioner for the project, receiving funds from the Probation Service and allocating funding to two delivery partners.

2. Recommendations

2.1. That the PFCC re-affirms the allocation of £10,000 match-funding from the 2023-24 Community Safety Development Fund (CSDF) budget to the Probation Service (already approved via DR121-23).

2.2. That the PFCC accepts a minimum of £35k match funding from the Probation Service for this project, which the PFCC will allocate to two delivery partners (identified in section 4.2 below).

2.3. That the PFCC delegates authority to their Monitoring Officer to sign the associated Memorandum of Understanding with the Probation Service (embedded in section 16 of this report).

3. Background to the Proposal

3.1. The DPFCC signed DR 121-23 on 24th August 2023, approving the allocation of funding to the Probation Service for delivery of a pilot HGV driver training course.

3.2. In more recent, detailed discussions with the Probation Service it has been requested that the PFCC act as lead commissioner for the pilot. This was not agreed in the original decision report and therefore necessitates this supplementary DR.

4. Proposal and Associated Benefits

4.1. Information about the project is covered in detail in DR 121-23. This decision report seeks confirmation that the PFCC is willing to act as lead commissioner for the project, accepting a minimum of £35,000 match funding from the Probation Service (for the PFCC’s contribution of £10,000).

4.2. The PFCC will allocate funding to two HGV training providers as part of this pilot – Essex Transport Training and Road Train. In choosing these providers, the Probation Service and PFCC considered location as a key determinant, concluding that it would be ideal to have one provider in the north of Essex and one in the south in order for people on probation to have easy access. These two providers are ideally located in Colchester and Thurrock with transport links available. The Probation Service verified that both companies have a competitive, transparent and fair pricing structure (compared with a previous pilot in Cambs). Both companies undertake the medicals that the candidates require prior to the commencement of the training, which is included in their pricing structure. Both companies have agreed to receive referrals from the Probation Service and then liaise directly with the candidate thereafter, eliminating the need for commissioners to act as intermediaries. If the pilot proves successful and becomes established, we would look to go through a more formal procurement process to establish longer-term delivery

5. Options Analysis

5.1. The PFCC could decide to undertake a full procurement process to identify delivery partners, but this is a costly and lengthy process which is not believed to be proportionate or offer best value for a pilot initiative.

5.2. The PFCC could reject the role of lead commissioner, but this would force the abandonment of the project as the Probation Service cannot act as lead commissioner in multiple counties / P(F)CC areas across the region.

6. Consultation and Engagement

The original proposal covered under DR 121-23 was discussed and
developed during a regular PFCC and Probation catch-up event on 7th June 2023.

The DPFCC attends those forums and was supportive of developing this proposal.

6.2. The original proposal was also discussed and endorsed at the PFCC’s Corporate Management Team meeting on 24th July 2023.

6.3. The DPFCC approved DR 121-23 on 24th August 2023.

7. Strategic Links

7.1. This project supports the PFCC’s priorities in the Police and Crime Plan, as well as the local Reducing Reoffending Board priority to get people into education, training or employment to reduce the likelihood of them re-offending.
7.2. The project also supports the priority of the Probation Service to support people on probation into employment and explore joint commissioning arrangements with regional partners, including P(F)CCs.

8. Police operational implications

8.1. There are no operational implications for Essex Police.

9. Financial implications

9.1. Under DR 121-23, the PFCC agreed to make a one-off allocation of £10,000 from the 2023-24 CSDF to the Probation Service. As at 7th November 2023, the 2023-4 CSDF still has £298,673 remaining to allocate.
9.2. This decision report approves the PFCC providing funding of £45,000 to Essex Transport Training and Road Train. This includes the PFCC’s £10,000 allocation and a £35,000 match-funding contribution from the Probation Service. The PFCC may increase the value of the grant if the Probation Service can identify additional funding. The £10,000 PFCC contribution is a fixed amount.

10. Legal Implications

10.1. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Probation Service and PFCC is included in section 16 below. Funding will be subject to the PFCC’s standard grant agreement.

11. Staffing implications

11.1. Monitoring of this project will be undertaken by the PFCC and Probation Service, including quarterly meetings with the supplier. The outcomes of the project will be reported back at the Reducing Reoffending Board as well as the regular PFCC and Probation local forum meetings.

12. Equality and Diversity implications

12.1 The Probation Service will identify appropriate individuals for this pilot. It is not anticipated that this project will be inaccessible to any individuals other than those with disabilities that legally prevent them from driving.

13. Risks and Mitigations

13.1. There is a risk that insufficient individuals are identified to take part in the pilot. This is considered to be unlikely given that the offer is free, and the potential for significant earning potential will make it attractive to potential candidates.

14. Governance Boards

14.1. The original decision report (121-23) was discussed at the PFCC’s Corporate Management Team meeting on 24th July 2023.

15.Links to Future Plans

15.1. This work supports delivery of the Police and Crime Plan and the Reducing Reoffending Strategy.

16.Background Papers and Appendices

Memorandum of Understanding (for signing) This is available as an accessible document on request.

Report Approval

The report will be signed off by the OPFCC Chief Executive and Treasurer prior to
review and sign off by the PFCC / DPFCC.

P. Brent-Isherwood P. Brent-Isherwood
Date signed:
Chief Executive Officer
Janet Perry Janet Perry
Date signed:
Chief Financial Officer

Decision and Final Sign Off

I agree the recommendations to this report:

Roger Hirst Roger Hirst
Date signed:

Wet signed copy is held at the PCC office.


PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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