Preventing dog theft
Our objective is to do more to protect our pets and build confidence in how Essex Police handle dog thefts.
We will:
- Engage with the public and animal charities to understand the extent of dog theft in the county and how we can prevent it.
- Build on the success of the Dog Watch Scheme.
- Understand the complexities of how this crime is recorded and how we can get a more accurate picture of dog theft in our county.
- Encourage the public to share intelligence to inform targeted enforcement activity by raising awareness of how to report crime.
- Support the victims of dog theft by recognising the misery caused to families by this crime, reuniting them with their animals wherever possible and reducing their risk of becoming victims of further criminal activity, such as fraud.
- Work with charities and partners to introduce campaigns and promotional activity to increase awareness of dog theft and promote prevention activity so people know how to keep their dog safe.
- Work with the Home Secretary to contribute to the national review of dog thefts, improving how dog theft is recorded, explore initiatives such as a national dog database and work to strengthen the law to introduce tougher sentences.
So that we prevent dog theft.
Performance Outcomes and Indicators
We prevent dog theft
1. Number of thefts involving dogs
2. Independent Public Confidence Survey