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I’m Roger Hirst, your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. These past few weeks have been tough. Although infection rates across the south of our county have thankfully now begun falling, rates in North Essex aren’t yet and we must continue to do all we can to stay home, protect the NHS and save lives. Please think about every journey you make, every time you leave the house. Is it necessary? Are you placing yourself and the key workers who are on the frontline for you, at risk? Everybody knows somebody who has been affected by the pandemic and although it is really good news that hundreds of people are being vaccinated across Essex every hour, we are not out of the woods and we all need still to do our bit. Our emergency service, health care professionals and key workers across the country are doing an amazing job. Each day there are hundreds of brave people putting themselves at risk to ensure we are all safe. This week we had the incredibly sad news that a distinguished Essex Police Special Constable has passed away after contracting COVID. My heart goes out to him, his family; and indeed to all the families who have been affected by this pandemic and whose lives will never be the same. As the vaccination programme across the country steps up we are getting more requests for volunteers to help assist the vaccination effort. Please if you can, step forward and help play your part. Details of how to volunteer will be on our website and social media channels. Essex Welfare Service Volunteer Information - NHS Vaccine Team Volunteer Information - And although more and more people are being vaccinated, we must all still follow social distancing guidance otherwise all this hard work will be wasted. Remember if you go out for necessary journeys or are going into work or for essential shopping: hands, face, space. We must all play our part to beat this virus so we can get our lives back to normal. That’s what we all want. So let’s work together, Stay Safe Essex and protect each other. Thank you