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Essex PFCC
Posted 5th February 2024 Vital community work carried out by Street Pastors was revealed to the PFCC Essex and the Deputy Leader of Essex County Council on Friday night. Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, was joined by Cllr Louise McKinlay, Deputy Leader of Essex County Council, in a patrol with Street Pastors in Billericay around the town High Street on Friday night. Since 2016 the PFCC Essex has invested £81k in supporting Street Pastors in their duties. Street Pastors are volunteers from many churches across Essex who care about the safety and wellbeing of their communities and provide practical help on the night time streets of towns and cities across Essex. Working together with local authorities, registered services and Essex Police, the Street Pastors help people under the influence of alcohol and drugs and residents who are disoriented by mental illness or lost or lonely. Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner said: “We work with the Street Pastors and other partners to identify the most vulnerable in our society so support can be targeted, effective and tailored to the needs of our communities. “The work Street Pastors carries out is invaluable to creating safe and secure communities across Essex and we’re pleased to support such a selfless, supportive service.”