Taking our first, tentative steps to getting back on our feet

In his latest message, Roger talks about how we are all taking our first, tentative steps to getting back on our feet as the lockdown restrictions change as well as highlighting funding he has made available to help voluntary and charity groups.
Roger has a weekly briefing with Kit Malthouse MP, Minister for Policing and the Fire Service. Roger also receives regular updates from leaders from Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.
A full transcript is below and you can view the message here:
“Hello, I’m Roger Hirst, your Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner. We had an update from the Prime Minister this week and the lockdown rules have changed. We can now do more. The changes are the first tentative steps to getting the county back on its feet. The country back on its feet, and it means more of us will be able to get back to work and help get our economy going again. This is Essex so I know you will all want to be back at work and getting on with life as soon as you can. Of course, we are all working through what that means for ourselves. But please be assured the emergency services are here for you and we are carrying on, business as usual, keeping our county safe. What’s clear is that it lies on each of us individually to act sensibly and proportionally. To avoid unnecessary interactions where we can and to help keep us all safe. Again, thank you for all that you are doing. Your actions are undoubtedly saving lives and I’m full of admiration as to the way, you, the people of Essex, have risen to this challenge. This situation has affected us all. Our day to day lives have changed and we have lost or know someone who has lost someone. This has not been an easy time. Now we need to work through how life will be for the time being and that means staying alert to stay safe. Please, keep social distancing, keep washing your hands and most of all keep watching out for those vulnerable people who may need our help. And of course, if you can wear a face covering that will help keep other people safe. Volunteers across Essex are doing a fabulous job and we are all doing all that we can to assist. Working through the Essex Community Foundation my office has made £150,000 available to help local groups. If you run a charity or a voluntary group and need funding, please get in touch with them: www.essexcommunityfoundation.org.uk We have already had some fabulous applications and it is a pleasure to see just a small proportion of the great work that is happening across the county and there’s just so much. Thanks again for everything you and your families are doing – we will get through this together. Stay Alert, Control the Virus & Save Lives. Thank you.”