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Special officers receive awards from PFCC and Deputy PFCC at evening event

Posted on Friday 10th May 2024

PFCC Roger Hirst and Deputy PFCC Jane Gardner had the privilege of presenting a number of  awards at the Special Constable’s Award evening last night.

The evening saw many brave officers rightly recognised for their outstanding achievements.

The award for Community Special of the Year was presented to Simon Jesse a Special Community Constable from Witham, pictured here with Roger and Jane.

Many other officers were recognised for their contribution and making a difference in their communities.

Specials provide a vital link between communities and the force and since first being elected in 2016 Roger has championed the Specials and that commitment continues today.

Roger Hirst said: “We are proud to have the second largest Special Constabulary in the Country but are committed to seeing even more Specials out in our communities making an even bigger difference.

“Well done everybody and thank you to every Special Constable and Regular Officer for all you do.”

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01245 291600

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