Some comments on the new Chief Constable’s remuneration

As I promised to run the office of the PCC for Essex with openness, I have published the remuneration package that I have agreed with our incoming Chief Constable, Stephen Kavanagh. It has attracted some comments so I thought I would share my views.
I determined that I should seek the best Chief Officer I could attract. Fortunately the challenge of the role of Chief Constable of Essex attracted a strong field of applicants and I was able to select Deputy Assistant Commissioner Stephen Kavanagh from a very high calibre short list.
The base salary for Chief Constables is set by national regulations so I had no flexibility other than to consider a salary 10 percent above or below the set rate at my discretion.
I took into account a number of factors but chiefly:
- that I believe DAC Kavanagh to be an exceptional candidate;
- that I have to set a remuneration package that I cannot change over the four years of the contract;
- that there is no opportunity for subsequent progression or performance related pay;
- and that were Mr Kavanagh to remain in the Metropolitan Police he would have had the prospect of further promotion to posts with very attractive remuneration.