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Have your say in South Woodham Ferrers


People living or working in South Woodham Ferrers who have concerns about policing and crime or who would like to learn more about joint governance of the Police and Fire Service, are invited to come along and air their views at a public meeting held by Roger Hirst, the first Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner in the country.

Mr Hirst will be coming to the town on Tuesday 24th October 2017. The event, which starts at 6.30pm, is open to everyone.  Mr Hirst will be joined by panel members Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Gardner,  Inspector Andy Sawyer plus representatives from the  Community Safety Partnership and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. 

It is being held at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre, 94-104 Hullbridge Road, from 6.30pm to 8pm.

Details of current crime trends and ongoing operations will be discussed at the meeting. Anybody going along will have the opportunity to put their questions and concerns to the panel.

Essex Police are supporting rural communities in towns and villages such as South Woodham Ferrers and the outlying areas of Chelmsford. A force wide Rural Crime Team has just been formed and people can learn more about how district resources will work with those officers and staff to ensure they are responsive to the needs of this community.

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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