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Precept 2023-2024 – have your say

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex (PFCC), Roger Hirst, is seeking views on paying for policing and fire rescue services in Essex, as he sets the 2023/2024 budgets for the Services.

Funding for Essex Police comes from two sources, central government funding and local council tax, while funding for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) comes from central government, local council tax and business rates.

Essex residents are being urged to have their say on how much they would be prepared to spend and which areas of policing and crime they would like to see further investment in. They can fill in a survey to give their views.

Survey link:

Roger Hirst said: “While work is ongoing to increase the efficiency of the Services and ensuring the public get value for money, if there is no increase in funding for Essex Police, we will be unable to continue to improve the service being delivered.

“In the case of the Fire and Rescue Service because more of their funding is provided from local sources, if we do not increase the precept, we may be forced to reduce the level of service provided. That’s why it’s so important that people take part in the precept survey and have their say.

“Thanks to public support, we are on track to have 900 more police officers in Essex by March 2023, making Essex Police the largest it has ever been. We are putting more officers in your neighbourhoods, focusing on preventing crime, and supporting victims and we are committed to making Essex Police even more local, visible and accessible.

“This investment is already making a difference. Since 2016 anti-social behaviour is down by forty five percent, dwelling burglary by fifty one percent and theft by nineteen percent.  However, we know there is still much more to do. Drug driven violence, domestic abuse and violence against women and girls have all increased and it is vital we continue to invest in preventing crime and getting more police in our communities.

“Our Fire and Rescue Service has made strong progress in recent years, improving the training provided to firefighters, investing in protection service and preventing harm. Continuing this investment will help the Service to continue to reduce the risk to the public and property across Essex.”

The survey is online but alternative ways of having a say are available by calling 01245 291600 or emailing [email protected].

The survey will be live from Friday, October 21st 2022 and closes at midnight on Sunday, November 27th 2022.

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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