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Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Response to HMICFRS Efficiency Report 2017

Following the publication of the HMICFRS Efficiency report, Roger Hirst, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, said: “This latest HMICFRS report on Essex Police Efficiency is another clear indication of the significant ongoing improvement in performance the service is achieving.

“Against a backdrop of increasing demand and a challenging financial situation, I am very pleased and the public will be reassured to see that Essex Police have been judged by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate as being Good at how they keep people safe and reduce crime.

“I was particularly encouraged by the further progress made in identifying and tackling hidden harms such as domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation. This has been an area of significant investment and it is positive that this has led to a sustained improvement. This area of work has also benefited from a strong and collaborative approach, working with partners such as social care and health across Essex to identify and support some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

“The proactive approach Essex Police is taking to building their cyber capability has also been recognised in the report. The introduction of the cyber-crime unit in collaboration with Kent Police was highlighted as an example of the force’s commitment to tackling this rapidly evolving area of criminality. We are fortunate that our Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh is the national police lead for digital policing, showing both national and local leadership to this important issue.

“The force has made positive strides in realising the benefits offered by new forms of technology and this was also recognised in the report. This is an area that will make a significant impact on police visibility and effectiveness in the coming years. Recent investment in mobile devices for frontline officers, body worn cameras and drone technology has helped to reduce demand, provide a more rapid response and ensure officers are able to spend more time out in their communities.

“In terms of our ambitious recruitment of Specials it is again positive that the inspection found that the early signs are encouraging.

“While the report is very positive there are still some areas for improvement. The 101 contact service continues to be underperforming, with the public regularly feeding back their concerns to me about this important area. The additional resources which were invested in 101 earlier in the year have been used to address the recent increase in demand so have not resulted in the significant improvement that is needed to provide the public with the service they need. A thorough review of the 101 service is now underway.

“I want to recognise the significant progress that has been made and sustained in recent years. It is a very positive trend and I would like to thank the Chief Constable and his team for the strong leadership they have shown. I would also like to thank all of the officers and staff for their drive and commitment to improving the service that the people of Essex receive.”

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

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