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PFCC Visits community and police hub in Epping

Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Roger Hirst held an in-person Public Meeting in Epping on Thursday 12th May 2022.

Prior to the meeting, Mr Hirst and panel members were able to visit the refurbished Epping Community Hub offices that opened in September 2021, which is one stop shop where the public can access EFDC and other local services including police for help and advice.  It also enables agencies to work more closely together and share information.

Roger said: “This is the first time I have been able to visit the newly refurbished Community Safety Hub here in Epping Forest.  Community Safety Hubs are a great initiative and a key objective in my Police and Crime Plan. They provide key agencies with a collocated workspace enabling a cohesive, efficient and responsive approach that focuses on prevention and early intervention, helping to make our communities safer for everyone.”

Later, Roger was joined at the public meeting by District Commander Ch/Insp Paul Ballard, ECFRS Area Manager Mark Eaglestone, Station Manager Dave Bond  and and Epping Forest DC Portfolio Holder, Holly Whitbread, Caroline Wiggins, Epping Forest Community Safety Partnerships Manager and Mandy Thompson, Epping Forest DC Service Manager.

At the meeting attendees heard about the latest initiatives being put in place to help make communities safer as well as being able to put their questions to the panel which included anti-social behaviour in Bleinheim Square, issues in Fyfield and updates on on-call fire stations in the district.

You can watch the meeting here:

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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