Have your say on policing Basildon

Police and Crime Commissioner Nick Alston will be hosting a public meeting in Basildon on Friday February 8th to discuss crime and policing issues in Basildon and the Police and Crime Plan for Essex.
The PCC aims to hold a public meeting in every district of Essex, twice a year. These are important events for everyone who cares about the way their community is policed and who wants to know the facts about crime in their area. Joining Nick in Basildon will be Chief Inspector Glen Pavelin, Basildon District Commander, and Bala Mahendran, Chief Executive of Basildon Council and Chair of the district’s Community Safety Partnership.
The meeting will take place on Friday 8th February, 2013, between 12 noon and 2pm, in St George’s Suite, The Basildon Centre, St Martin’s Square, Basildon, SS14 1DL.
PCC Alston said: “It is important that crime continues to fall in Essex – that we have fewer victims of crime and fewer people living in fear of crime. I am committed to local solutions for local problems, and to ensuring that police, partner agencies, the voluntary sector and residents work together as closely as possible to keep our communities safe.
“The meeting will be two hours long. We’d love people to attend all the meeting, but if you can only make part of it, please still come along. I want your views to be part of the debate about how we can best keep the streets and countryside of Essex safe.
“The first ever Police and Crime Plan for Essex is also out for public consultation. It’s your Plan, and I want to hear your comments before it's reviewed by the Police and Crime Panel later this month.”
The key areas of debate for the meeting in Basildon will be: dwelling burglary and vehicle crime; drug dealing; Felmores Approved Premises; and the Police and Crime Plan for Essex. There will also be an open floor session where people can raise any crime issue that concerns them.
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