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Colchester residents will have the opportunity to put their questions on crime and community safety issues to the Police and Crime Commissioner, Roger Hirst, at a public meeting on Wednesday January 18.

The Commissioner will be joined by Chief Inspector Elliot Judge, Colchester District Commander and members of the Colchester Community Safety Partnership Chair, Pamela Donnelly.

The meeting will take place at the Colchester Institute, Sheepen Road, CO3 3LL between 6:30pm and 8:30pm.

You are welcome to simply turn up on the day.  If you would like to view a pre-briefing on local issues, including crime statistics and recent police operations, prior to the event, please click on the following link: briefing-note-for-colchester-district-pcc-meeting-18-01-17



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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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