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Get involved in the debate about policing in our county

At this busy time of the year, with budgets being finalised and important decisions taking shape, I really want the people of Essex to be as involved as possible in the debate about one of the key issues, the future of local policing.

On Thursday February 27, we’ll be holding the latest of our Essex Police Challenge events, where both members of the public and I ask questions of Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh.  This event will be dedicated to a discussion about the future of local policing.  

I believe that local policing should be responsive, visible and close to communities, and it must deliver a service that inspires public confidence and meets the needs of our diverse population.  As budgets continue to be tightened, how can we best meet these objectives?

Topics we’ll be covering will include:

– How can Essex Police best use its local policing resources to respond to and investigate crime, and solve nuisance behaviour problems?

– How can we modernise contact between the public and the police?  Are police station front counters the most efficient and effective way of reporting crime?

– As part of the nine core principles agreed by the Chief Constable and me, we have stated that PCSOs are integral to the local policing model.  How can PCSOs best serve our communities?

These are just some of the big questions we’ll be discussing, and I want the people of Essex to get involved and have their say. 


Everyone in Essex is welcome to attend the Essex Police Challenge in Lecture Theatre PMI004, Anglia Ruskin University, Bishop Hall Lane, Chelmsford CM1 1SQ, starting at 7:30pm on Thursday February 27.  You can find further details here

You can also submit questions for the Essex Police Challenge by writing to my office or using the email address:   [email protected]

I will look to ask any many questions submitted as possible and reasonable in the allocated time.

Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex

Postal address: PCC for Essex, 3 Hoffmanns Way, Chelmsford
Essex  CM1 1GU

 Please click on these maps for details to the Essex Police Challenge on 27th Feb 2014.








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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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