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Funding available to help support victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence

Up to £426,893 is available to help victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Charities, groups and organisations working to support those who have experienced these awful crimes can apply for money via the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex.

However, groups must act quickly as the closing date for applications is Wednesday, February 24th.

Roger Hirst, Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said: “The Ministry of Justice has secured £4.625 million for sexual violence and £8.95m for domestic abuse to give to organisations which support vulnerable people. In Essex we have been allocated up to £426,893 so if you think we can help your group, charity or organisation, get in touch with us now.”

The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex is already working with the services that it funds to utilise some of the funding available to ensure their continued availability during the Coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, some of the money available will be open to services not currently funded by the PFCC in order to encourage underrepresented groups to seek support. Therefore, small specialist organisations that support domestic abuse and sexual violence victims with protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation are invited to apply for funding.

The criteria for this fund are:
• You must be a registered charity, a charitable incorporated organisation, or a social enterprise, including companies limited by guarantee and community interest companies.
• You provide specialist domestic abuse and/or sexual violence support services for individuals and families of protected characteristics which have the purpose of helping victims of crime who reside in Essex cope with the impacts of crime, and, as far as possible, recover from the harm they have experienced.

Mr Hirst added: “Protecting those most vulnerable from harm and breaking the cycle of domestic abuse are really important priorities within the Police and Crime Plan. This money will make a huge difference to the services and support that we can provide in Essex.”

Find out more and apply

Applications must be received by the end of the day on February 24th.


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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

If your enquiry relates to operational policing or a crime please contact Essex Police

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