Essex Police policy on Anti-Social Behaviour
The changing nature of crime, our understanding of where the real harms are in our society and ongoing funding challenges continue to put huge pressure on Essex Police to use their resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. Essex Police must continue to prioritise protecting people from serious harm and risk, and this will include tackling the ‘hidden harms’ of domestic abuse and child sexual exploitation.
On a daily basis, only a small proportion of Anti-Social Behaviour cases are assessed as presenting a high risk or involving repeat victimisation. ACC Wortley has stated that there were around 1,500 such cases last year, or around 3 per cent of the total number of ASB incidents reported to the force. I expect Essex Police to continue to lead on these cases.
However, there are many other types of ASB incident where partner agencies, such as local authorities, should have the main responsibility in attempting to resolve the matter. Essex Police will now often refer such cases to the appropriate agency.
From the feedback I received it is clear that Essex Police could have engaged with our communities and partner agencies more closely to explain this change in policy. It is now vital that the force works closely with local authorities as the policy is implemented, and it must help ensure that members of local communities know how best Anti-Social Behaviour is addressed and resolved.
In the next couple of weeks, Chief Constable Kavanagh and I will be talking much more about plans both for Essex Police buildings and how local policing will be delivered in our county. These announcements will start a process of engagement with the public and partner agencies that will run for several months.
Nick Alston, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex