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Residents living in Colchester and the wider area have the chance to raise their concerns and questions about policing in the county at the next Essex Police Challenge event. The event, which was devised by Essex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Nick Alston, is the fifth of its kind to take place in the county. It aims to give members of the public the chance to raise any concerns about policing and crime in Essex with the PCC and the county’s Chief Constable Stephen Kavanagh.  It forms a crucial part of the PCC’s role in scrutinising the work of police and holding the force to account. The next event will take place in Colchester on Thursday September 11. Key issues, which will be discussed by the Chief Constable and PCC at the event, include: *an update on the performance of the force and details of any crime trends taking place in Colchester. *discussion of the changes to local policing in Essex and what this means for Colchester, rural areas in the borough and North Essex generally. *the public will be updated on the progress of the investigation into the two recent tragic murders in the borough. Members of the public will also be given the chance to direct questions to the PCC and Chief Constable. Everyone is invited to attend the Essex Police Challenge event on Thursday September 11, starting at 7.30pm and ending at 9.30pm. Location: The Sixth Form College, North Hill, Colchester CO1 1SN You can also submit questions for the Essex Police Challenge by writing to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner or using the email address: Nick Alston will aim to answer as many questions submitted as possible in the allocated time. The Essex Police Challenge events are recorded, and a complete video of each meeting is placed on our website For more details, including how to submit your question by post, call the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on: 01245 291600 or visit