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Posted 15th August  Deputy PFCC Jane Gardner outlined the draft priorities for the PFCC’s Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue 2024 to 2028 to people attending the Friendship and Bereavement Cafe in Harwich.   During the visit on Monday a lively discussion about community safety and the future strategic direction of Essex Police and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service took place.   You can have your say on what the Policing and Crime priorities and Fire and Rescue priorities should be for the next four years.     The Fire and Rescue Plan sets the strategic direction and priorities for Essex County Fire and Rescue Service for the next four years.    The Police and Crime Plan sets the priorities for policing and crime in the county and informs Essex Police priorities.    Now, all people who live and work in Essex are being asked for their views on priorities for both plans by completing a short four-minute survey.     The survey can be accessed here:    The survey will run until Sunday 1st September 2024.