Creating safe communities, protecting the vulnerable and getting crime down – PFCC outlines 2024-2025 budget proposals

Posted Tuesday 30th January 2024
Essex Police is now the biggest and strongest it has ever been in its 184-year history and this year’s budget proposal by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex aims to maintain this investment in community safety.
Roger Hirst. Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC), is proposing a budget for 2024-2025 that will allow more police officers to be visible in communities across Essex, following an increase of 905 officers added to the force since 2016.
The budget proposal will also allow Essex County Fire and Rescue Service to drive forward its improvement programme which includes more protection and prevention services and excellent firefighter training. The increase will also ensure firefighters and staff are properly paid.
All this can be achieved by a proposed combined precept increase which will cost a Band D property 30p a week.
Roger Hirst said: “Our investment programme in Essex Police is working. Since 2016 anti-social behaviour is down 71.3% and incidents of burglary are down 43%. In the last year, total crime is down by 5.7%.
“At the core of our approach, what has worked over the last eight years, is visible policing at the heart of our communities. Our communities deserve to live in safe neighbourhoods where police are not strangers but visible, responsive and working with local businesses, groups and neighbourhoods to identify and tackle crime and ASB.
“We know the current financial situation is difficult and both services are facing significant increases due to a high inflation rate. My proposal continues our investment in the services while ensuring Essex residents get good value for money.
“Both services have identified ways to save money and be more efficient without reducing the number of officers, firefighters, staff or their overall capability. Both services have identified combined savings of £10.4 million in the year 2024/25.
The PFCC budget proposal will mean a Band D Council Taxpayer will pay an extra £12.96 per year for policing and an extra £2.34 a year for fire and rescue services – a combined increase of less than £1.28 per month or 30p a week.
(£12.96 + £2.34 = £15.30. £15.30 divided by 12 months = £1.275. £15.30 divided by 52 weeks = approximately 30p a week)
Essex Police Proposal
The PFCC is proposing to increase the police precept by 5.55 per cent, equivalent to an increase of £12.96 a year, from £233.46 to £246.42 for a Band D property, raising an additional £8.695 million of council tax receipts.
Roger Hirst said: “It is clear from my public engagements, our independent public survey, the recent precept survey, and feedback from partners across Essex that the public want to see further reductions in crime. They also want to see investment in:
- tackling gang and drug related violence,
- combating serious and organised crime,
- improved local neighbourhood policing to target burglary and vehicle theft,
- bringing down anti-social behaviour,
- reducing violence against women and girls and
- break the cycle of domestic abuse.
- 2,128 people responded to the survey.
- 73 percent, who gave a view, wanted to see more investment in policing.
- 67 percent, who gave a view, said they would be prepared to invest more in policing.
- 66 percent of people who gave a view said they were prepared to contribute up to £10 per year or more to invest in policing.
- 52 percent of people who gave a view said they would be prepared to invest up to £15 per year or more in policing.
- 64 per cent who gave a view said they would be prepared to invest up to £5 per year or more in Essex County Fire and Rescue Service.