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Clacton public meeting discusses visible policing

People from Clacton and the Tendring area attended a public meeting last night hosted by the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, Jane Gardner. The meeting was held at Sams Hall Community Centre and covered topics including street drinking, drugs, dwelling burglaries and police visibility.

Jane Gardner, Police and Crime Commissioner for Essex, said:

“There is a great sense of community connection in Clacton. The Community Safety Hub is one of the best we have in Essex. Residents here and in the surrounding areas have genuine concerns about anti-social behaviour and really want to see more visible policing to give them the reassurance they need. Residents want to see someone they can walk up to in the street to talk to when feeling anxious especially when they see street drinkers or drug dealing in their town.

“I was particularly pleased to hear such positive feedback about the Community Safety Hub and the agencies that work together to support the issues raised. Lads Needs Dads, Open Road and Gangsline are just a few that provide support and resolution and who the community policing team work with. Greater intelligence gathering and keeping residents informed means talking more to residents, Neighbourhood Watch and sharing information through local social media groups.”

Deputy PCC, Jane Gardner added: “Getting out and about and talking with different communities across Essex is really important. I value the input we get at these meetings, it’s vital we take the time to hear how communities are feeling about policing in their communities.”


Key themes discussed at Thursday’s meeting, included:
• Street drinkers
• Drug dealing
• Police visibility
• CCTV and 101 reporting
• Impact on road safety if casualty unit closes

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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

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