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A Special response

The Essex Police Special Constabulary was a key part of the multi-agency operational response to last week’s tidal surges.

During the crucial 24-hour period on December 5-6, 130 Specials were at work, performing 151 duties and delivering 1299 hours of service to the people of our county. 

Leon Dias, Chief Officer of the Special Constabulary, said: “This was a really amazing response, true to the ethos of the Special Constabulary of providing ‘resilience at times of peak demand’.  Some officers worked duties in excess of 18 hours, some left day jobs early, some took leave from day jobs to help, some changed family plans, but everyone did so without moaning and with enthusiasm. I was very proud to be part of this excellent team and humbled to serve alongside my fellow Specials on Thursday and Friday.”

Nick Alston added: “The emergency service teams and partner agencies all rose to the challenge of the flooding with professionalism and commitment.  The response of the Essex Police Special Constabulary was magnificent, and we should all be very proud of their endeavours to keep the people of our county safe from harm.  As Police and Crime Commissioner, I thank Leon and his officers for a Special response.”


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PFCC for Essex, Kelvedon Park, London Road, Rivenhall, Witham, Essex, CM8 3HB
01245 291600

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